nichts los im Herbst -
hat jemand Info , wann das Herbstpowwow Katowice ist
13. Herbst-Powwow in Pszczyna |
Wann:Wo:ul. Zamenhofa 5a Kontakt:
Head Staff:
5,– € Bitte unbedingt Sportschuhe mitbringen, man darf die Halle nicht mit Straßenschuhen betreten. Übernachtung:Es besteht die Möglichkeit, von Fr. bis So. in der Halle zu übernachten. Bitte bringt eure Isomatten und Schlafsäcke mit! Vier Minuten Fußweg entfernt ist das PTTK-Hotel Anfahrt:Weitere Informationen:
Diskussion: (übernommen aus dem Forum)
nichts los im Herbst - hat jemand Info , wann das Herbstpowwow Katowice ist Grüsse Eva
doch Herbstpowwow in Polen am 08.Nov 2014
am gleichen Ort wie voriges Jahr
We are inviting all dancers and drum groups on 13th Autumn Powwow in Poland which will be on November 08th, 2014 in Pszczyna.
Sports Hall POSiR street Zamenhofa 5a 43-200 Pszczyna Poland - google map Grand Entry Saturday November 08th, 2014 - 15:30 Flag Retreat - 22:00 Organizers: Bogdan Płonka & Barbara Kołodziej Head Staff: Host Drum: Star Horse Singers ( Poland ) Arena Directors: Bogdan Płonka, Barbara Kołodziej Master of Ceremony: Dariusz Lipecki Head Judge: Marek Ptasiński Head Lady Dancer: Kamila Bienia-Borowska Head Man Dancer: Radosław Borowski Other Drums: Maka Sapa Singers ( Poland ) Čangleska Nunpa Singers ( Czech Republic ) Wanbli Ohitika Singers ( Czech Republic ) Fürstenwalde ( Germany ) Organiser propose the individual contest - Hand Drum. We are inviting all dancers and drum groups. Fees: 5 € ( includes accommodation at the hall ) Traders 5 € per one table Drum groups and children under 12: free More info about this powwows or event on Facebook Accommodation in sports hall( Pszczyna street Zamenhofa 5a ) from Friday (07.11 ) evening to Sunday (09.11 ) noon. Please bring foam mattress and sleeping bag. You are welcome to camp inside the Powwow Hall, but we have received a number of inquiries regarding other accommodation possibilities. Four minutes walk away is the Hotel PTTK Kontakt : To direct all questions to Bogdan Plonka hehaka@interia.pl or mobile: +48 500250076 ![]()
whats a pity
2 powwow at the amse date next weekend
LAST MINUTE ANNOUNCEMENT !!!...We have decided that during our autumn Pow Wow we will hold a QUILL AND BEADWORK ART CONTEST, which is the contest for the most beautiful handwork decorated with beads or a traditional quillwork. This may be part of your attire, other everyday object or anything else you would like to present, but it has to be made by means of quill or beadwork. Of course it would be best if the presented design referred to the Indian tradition. So, get your best works ready, bring them to the Pow Wow event and show them off to others. Who knows, maybe it is your work that will be recognized as the most beautiful of all."
Barbara Kołodziej & Bogdan Płonka
Hello powwow folks. wish everyone who´s participating at the autumn katowice powwow 2014 a wonderful powwow weekend.
have a good one, good dancing and a good time together... |