Red Leaves Powwow

Termine, Ideen, Planungen – Das Forum für (potentielle) Veranstalter.

Ungelesener Beitrag Verfasst am Di, 15. Dez 2015, 11:47

Info at the moment.

The Powwow take place in the south off Sweden In September in 2016.
It's a European mix powwow celebrating one off the most beautiful time off the year.
To drum groups have already anonst That They are coming.
But any drum group / flutplayer / hand drum are welcome to participate. All who want to share their music are welcome.
For the moment, we are working to obtain overnight stay for all. It is possible to arrive on Friday and departure Monday. More info will come of this.
Traders and exhibitors contact us for personal service.

Schedule for Saturday are as follows.
10.00 Gates open to the public (Art & Craft and food booths open)
12.00 Drum Roll Call.
12.30 Grand Entry
Traditional dances mixt whit intertribal and Iroquois social dances. Adult Men: Southern Straight Southern Fancy Northern Traditional Northern Fancy Grass Dance Chicken Dance
15.30 Pause whit entertaining. Something to eat / tea and coffee fore dancers in regalia and drum groups
Adult Women: Southern Cloth Southern Buckskin Northern Traditional Fancy Shawl Jingle Dress Jr but See adult though. Jr: women. See adult women.
19,00 Grand exit
20.00 Dinner fore people in regalia That participated in Saturday's dance.

Schedule for Sunday is as follows.
10.00 Gates open to the public (Art & Craft and food booths open)

11,00 Drum Roll Call
11.30 Grand Entry
Traditional dances mixt whit intertribal and Iroquois social dances. Adult Men: Southern Straight Southern Fancy Northern Traditional Northern Fancy Grass Dance Chicken Dance Adult Women: Southern Cloth Southern Buckskin Northern Traditional Fancy Shawl Jingle Dress Jr but See adult though. Jr: women. See adult women.
17,00 Grand exit
We reserve the right to make changes.
827 Beiträge

Ungelesener Beitrag Verfasst am Di, 15. Dez 2015, 11:48

Organisator ist Thomas Christensen
827 Beiträge

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