England September 2014

Ungelesener BeitragVerfasst: So, 1. Sep 2013, 19:42
von Elke
das klingt doch mal interessant!


Re: England September 2014

Ungelesener BeitragVerfasst: So, 1. Sep 2013, 20:15
von Eva
dickes Kreuz im Kalender

Re: England September 2014

Ungelesener BeitragVerfasst: Di, 12. Nov 2013, 00:00
von Christoph
Habe gerade diese E-Mail bekommen:
Clare Wray hat geschrieben:
For the Autumn Harvest pow wow 2014: this is now subject to a venue change and possibly a date change as well.
Sorry but the venue is no longer available to us (one of the problems trying it book so far in advance here !).
We are looking for an alternative.
Until that is found, we cannot offer staying overnight in venue or camping until new venue is secured.
Thank you for reading this


Re: England September 2014

Ungelesener BeitragVerfasst: Sa, 23. Nov 2013, 21:58
von Christoph
Heute habe ich diese E-Mail von Clare bekommen:
Clare Wray hat geschrieben:
Hi Christoph,

We are very sorry but now have to cancel the pow wow next year (Autumn Harvest Pow wow) we were tyring to do. We have had problems with lack of support here with fund raising activities and there's little public interest in Native American themes here in the UK. It is also very hard to find venues here that will allow people to sleep there. The money raised so far will be donated after our costs have been taken out.

We would be grateful if you would help us spread the news that it is Cancelled.

Das Autumn Harvest Powwow ist abgesagt. :-(