Wishing to Share art work with the people of Germany

Termine, Ideen, Planungen – Das Forum für (potentielle) Veranstalter.
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Ungelesener Beitrag Verfasst am So, 13. Jan 2013, 20:56

My name is Jadeon Rathgeber and of Cree, German and Swiss decent . I am a North West Coast Indian Carver . I work in jewelry ,wood,bone stone. I owe everything to my mother who is the carrier of one of the oldest and rarest North American Indian art forms . The images are transferred onto a single layer of birch bark using only her teeth. SHe is one of the last carriers of this art form For more information check the link out below

http://brucebyfield.com/2009/07/31/the- ... rk-biting/

I am planning a trip to Germany and looking for a place to share some of my history and teachings with the people . If any one could help out by pointing me in the right direction I would be so very grateful. Many blessings to all of your families this New Year.

All Of My Relations
Jadeon Rathgeber
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Ungelesener Beitrag Verfasst am Mo, 14. Jan 2013, 17:02

Hello! Nice to read from you here!

You can try to get contact to some museums here--- they have often Native American people there to show up artwork.... give me some time to make a list ;o)
827 Beiträge

Ungelesener Beitrag Verfasst am Di, 15. Jan 2013, 04:50

I would be so grateful for a list of museums even a few. Thank you very much Elke. Have a wonderful week !!
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