Invitation on 4 th Winter PowWow in Żuromin.
We are inviting all dancers and drum groups on 4 th Winter PowWow which will be undergone 02-03 of February 2008 in Żuromin.
Sports hall by the secondary school - street Wyzwolenia 12
Żuromin Poland
Grand Entry : Saturday 02 of February 14:00 hr
Organizer: "TatankaArt" Group - Żuromin
Host Drum : White Crow Singers (Poland)
Other drum : Dead Dog Singers ( Czech Republic )
More information about this powwows : http://www.huuskaluta.com.pl/powwowzuromin2008.php
Sleep over possible in sports hall - personal sleeping bags and foam mattresses. ( Żuromin street Wyzwolenia 12 - sports hall by the secondary school )
Kontakt : To direct all questions to Piotr Wlizło p2oter@tlen.pl
Best regards